Quick repair and fix frayed shirt collar with easy and step by step instructions.
How do I make a new collar for my favorite shirt?
First thing I assess the wear of the collar, to know how to fix frayed shirt collar.
If the collar is worn, but not completely ruined yet, and it is still fixable, that is a good news. Next, I decide on the repair technique that will work best.
In my opinion, best way is to check back side of the collar first to see if it is not damaged. If indeed, it is not, then most likely, I will use it to flip it to the top side.
In first step, with the help of my seam ripper I detach the collar from the dress shirts collar stand.
I will be using my sewing machine to make this sewing repair.
If you would like to watch a quick video on how to fix frayed shirt collar, I am attaching a DIY video here.
Let’s continue,
Second, I clean the damaged area of the collar, and raw edges off of any loose threads.
To prevent any further damage and to fix frayed shirt collar, I place fusible interfacing glue side down to the wrong side of the fabric. To cover the damaged area.
Next step is to press back of the collar down to activate the adhesive.
Moreover, once the fusible interfacing is properly glued to the collar, next step is to invisibly mended the damaged whole thing. I like to use my sewing machine to run very small stitches which enforces and strengthens the area.
Press it down again and now is time to reinsert the detached collar into the collar band.
Remember; the mended side needs to be facing the the right side of the centre back. And the undamaged collar area now will be on top.
Make sure to pin it with straight pins or base stitch this fixed new collar in place.
My sewing machine comes in very handy during this step. With a straight running stitch I sew all this layers of fabric together.
To fix frayed shirt collar on polo shirts this way is not the best idea.
Because the polo shirt collar is made of only one layer of fabric, and I would not be able to hide the interfacing.
This is how I fixed frayed shirt collar easily.
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